Maybe it's the cold weather, all the snow, or the sun setting at 4 in the afternoon... but I'm in a bit of a slump these days. A classic case of the winter-blues.

When I moved back to "the real world" from my island paradise six months ago, I decided that I was going to keep my focus on school, work and myself. A relationship being the last thing I needed, I decided not to date. I have been good so far, but it's getting cold outside, and well, I cannot help but think it'd be nice to find someone to hibernate with for the winter. For this reason, I went against my original plan went on a couple of dates.
What happened?? I decided to write some first date DON'Ts for guys out there, clearly, my help is needed.
Yes, they were that bad!
Don't ask a her where she'd like to go, and then tell her that the one place she picked is off-limits, because you are avoiding some people who will be there. This is a terrible way to start off a date. Take her where she wants to go, plain and simple. Also, this reason leaves her wondering "why is he avoiding people? this guy must be scketchy!" If she has no preference to where to go, be decisive and pick somewhere. Don't say "well…. ummmm…. I dunno, wherever you want. I don't care." Care. Take her somewhere cozy where you can have a conversation. Looking for something more lively? Then go to a nice bar that has a coat check. You will feel like a tool when her favourite blazer has been stolen off the back of her chair.
Don't go overboard with compliments. You're out with a girl: she's looking good, she's funny, smart and you're fascinated by her... So you keep telling her how amazing/witty/funny/cute/smart/awesome she is. Although giving an appropriate compliment or two is a good thing; hanging on to a girls every word and following her every statement with a "you are SO awesome" "are you always this cool?" "you're so great!" will just turn a girl off. Completely.
Don't text/bbm- This should be common sense, but sadly, too many guys cannot seem to put away their BlackBerry for a couple of hours and enjoy some face-2-face time. There is nothing more annoying than competing for your attention with a smartphone. Leave your phone at home to give your date your full and undivided attention, she deserves it.
Don't obsess over your "flaws"- Sure, maybe your car is a jalopy, or the moustache you're growing for Movember is horrendous, or you have a crappy job and make no money. These are things that most women will be willing to overlook if they like you. But if you keep on bringing it up and constantly reminding her about the negative things, she is much more likely to care about something she had been willing to overlook originally. Be yourself, be confident (not cocky), and honest. If she likes you, she won't care about what kind of car you drive, or your horrendous sweater.
Don't talk about your ex-girlfriend- Just don't do it. your date doesn't need to hear about how what a "crazy heart-breaking bitch"" your last lover was . Not only is it totally tacky, but hearing you bad-mouthing your ex makes girls wonder what you'd say about her if things don't work out.
Don't flirt with your server- Even if things aren't going well with your date and your attractive server seems like a better option, don't try to pick her up. First of all, servers are getting hit on constantly the last thing is she needs is yet another sleezeball asking her what her tattoos signify and what her astrological sign is. When you are on a date and you flirt with your server, she immediately thinks you're a douche. Secondly, it is terrible for your dates self esteem
Don't lie- Again, something that should be common sense, but sadly isn't. What if one day you end up falling for this girl? How are you going to tell her that you actually rent your apartment (you thought being a condo-owner sounded better), and that you aren't 26, but actually pushing 30? Be honest from the start to avoid awkward, uncomfortable conversations later.
It is safe to say that after just a few weeks back in the wonder world of dating, I am withdrawing from it once again. *sigh* It's going to be a cold winter!!!
Our cocktail this week is dedicated to my Cayman friends celebrating Pirates week. Sail away with the Captain's simple and delicious concoction
2oz Capt Morgan Spiced Rum
-Ginger ale
-Lime wedge
-Mix Rum, and equal parts coke and ginger ale in a glass filled with ice. Squeeze in lime wedge. Sail Away!!
My relationship with Basketball has been one of the longest and most significant relationships of my life. It started when I was just nine years old. My father was a total jock and he coached the majority of my teams. When he wasn't able to coach because my French school division did not allow the non-French to to coach the school athletic teams, he was in the stands for every game. He would keep track of the game's stats as well as key plays, that we discussed over slur-pees on the drive home. When my time as a player was done, I followed in his footsteps and coached a 14 - 17 year old girls team. He taught me the skills to be a good coach, and our team won two back-to-back Championship titles in the WMBA's spring league. He was again in the stands every game.
Five years ago my father died of a rare and fast-acting Cancer. My relationship with the sport inevitably changed. At first, I simply neglected it; busying myself with travel, friends, and life in general. I tried to ignore that that part of me had ever existed. I did some incredible things and saw some breathtaking places, but no matter how faraway I got from the Canadian prairie, Basketball somehow managed to find me.
In Southern Bolivia, just outside of the worlds' largest salt-flat desert, our travel group stayed in a hotel made entirely of salt, aseemingly unlikely place for a basketball court. But just steps behind our hotel, in the middle of nowhere, there it was. It had found me. I couldn't believe my eyes, my heart soard when I proceeded to beat two young Australian men at a game of around the world. It was a proud moment, I could feel my dad smiling down on me.
About a week ago, I faced my lost love at Red River College's Notre Dame campus. I covered the Rebel Women's basketball game for the school news paper, the Projector. Upon entering the gym, the sound of the squeeking shoes on the court, the bouncing leather balls, I realized that this was going to be hard. I couldn't help but notice the fathers sitting next to me in the stands cheering on their daughters. I
didn't realize that being around it would hurt so much.
My heart ached for the days of boxing-out under the boards and sinking free-throws, and for my proud father cheering me on from the bench.
The story I wrote for the Projector was published today, in the full color feature section. The photo I took from the men's game made the cover of the paper.
My proud father is smiling down on me today from the bench once again.
Basketball Jones
-2oz Jack Doniels
-In a rock glass full of ice, pour in Tom's two favorite things over ice. Stir and enjoy!