Our campaign's "big idea" was What's Your Jones? I came up with the slogan and acted as creative director for the group. I loved every minute of creating and pitching the campaign and I remember thinking, "is this even schoolwork? Because I am having way too much fun!"

The What's Your Jones campaign won the pitch and the prize of 20 bonus marks. It even beat out the class keeners who made Jones Soda t-shirts for their pitch.
I knew that I had discovered what I wanted to do with my life... Ten years later, here I am, finally doing it. Still loving it.
I spent this past weekend at school working on my campaign for World's Finest Chocolate. I stopped at 7eleven on the way to pick up some study provisions, and the Jones Soda in the fridge caught my eye. I figured I'd take a walk down memory lane to my first campaign for some nostalgic inspiration and bought the fancy soda.
One of Jones Soda's unique selling feature that we mentioned in the What's Your Jones campaign is the fortune that you find under the bottle cap. The fortune under my bottle cap read:
"Your hard work will soon show results."
Being in the midst of the working harder than I ever had and being closer to my goal than I have been, I find it quite fitting. :)
What's Your Jones?
•2oz orange-flavoured vodka
•1 bottle Jones Cream Soda
•1 scoop vanilla ice cream
-Pour vodka and cream soda into a tall glass with just a few ice cubes. Add ice cream on top. Stir. Celebrate finding your Jones!
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