Monday, November 21, 2011
What's your Jones?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Man, those lights sure are bright...
The only woman in a man's world with her own a late night TV show, Chelsea Lately, she also has my dream job.
Lately on the Rocks
-3oz Belvedere Vodka (the primary sponsor of Chelsea's latest book tour)
-3 lemon wedges
In a glass full of ice, pour vodka and squeeze in the juice from lemon wedges. Let chill for a minute before enjoying! Here's to good times and bad decisions! ;)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
First Date Fun!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Getting older, not wiser.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Case of the Mondays...
It may be the gloomy, chilly wheather, the full moon, or the heaps of homework stealing any remaining back to school novelty, but I have got a serious case of the Mondays....
How quickly the excitement of back to school can turn into reality: late nights at school; neverending 'to-do' lists; no sleep, money, time or social life.
Oh well, at least I get to wear my favorite scarves and boots again. Hardly seems like any consolation.
Temperatures are dropping, so heat things up with a spicy Caesar! Anything that doubles as a cocktail and a meal works for all us starving students out there
This fantastic Canadian cocktail can be made with various spices and garnishes, but my this recipe is the best I've tried thanks to the secret ingredient:
Monday, September 5, 2011
Am I Funny??
If you are on twitter, be sure to follow me @RachelleLTaylor and get out the #jokejournal hashtag to see my progress... Unless I've served you, then it's probably best not to.
And just to clarify, mojitos are always made with mint!
•4 lime wedges
•5-7 mint leaves
•Simple syrup (substitute white sugar if you don't have)
•Amber rum (Flor de Cana or Ron Zacapa are my favourites)
•Soda water
Muddle the mint, sugar and lime wedges until the mint is nice and smooshed, add ice, rum and top with soda. Stir and enjoy...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sky High Cocktails

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I'm A Slave 4 U

Friday, April 15, 2011
Hoping summer tunes and summer drinks will bring summer weather!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Making dreams real!
Monday, March 21, 2011
It's over!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Breaking up is hard to do.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Some Wise Words
Friday, March 4, 2011
-37... What??
After another set of flight delays and yet another stop-over in Toronto, I made it back to Winnipeg after 8 incredible days spent with my old friends frolicking in the sun. I rushed to school, made it in the knick of time for my first class, only 2 minutes late. From class I went straight to work, and not even one day back from my holiday, already I was already too busy to realize that I had been on holiday at all.
The following day, I woke up to a beautiful Winnipeg day: minus 37 degrees with the windchill. For my friends from tropical lands who cannot comprehend what that feels like, (or do not believe me when I say that people actually live in a city where it gets that cold) it is a cold, harsh slap in the face. Your cheeks freeze almost immediately, running from your car to school/home/work, sometimes backwards as to not face the wind head-on, is necessary . It is terrible... beyond terrible, unbearable!!
Only 2 days before I was swimming in the sea, and skipping along the beach in the sand.
Like the Aussies and Caymanians who will read this (it was so great to hear you've been enjoying my blog, please keep reading) I also wonder, why the hell does anyone live here?? Sure, it's cheap... but what about the extra money spent on heating bills, a dependable car that will survive the cold, winter tires, and the sun getaway necessary to cope with the frigid temperatures? Yeah, the people are great, and good family and friends are here, but the city never changes nor do the people who live here (well, very seldomly), so why not live somewhere with a more temperate climate and come back and enjoy the city for it's benefits, the friendly Manitobans, in the summer??
Hmmmmmm...... I believe that was my life once upon a time, and must be again someday.
For our journalism class today we are traveling within Manitoba and writing a travel article about a city/town in our "beautiful" province. My group has the pleasure of traveling to Gimli, in the Icelandic language, Gimli means "paradise," however, I don't know that I'll agree with what anyone from the land-of-ice deems to be idyllic. Stay tuned for the article. Maybe it'll entice you to visit if this post hasn't turned you off of the idea of Manitoba forever.
Have a happy Friday, stay warm with my favourtie hot cocktail
-2oz baileys
-5 oz hot chocolate (made with milk and choco power)
-whipped cream
-chocolate shavings
-pretty self-explanitory, simplistic and delicious.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Au Revoir
I have changed quite a bit in this last year since leaving the island. I left to pursue personal growth in my prairie hometown, to study Creative Communications, working hard to get good grades and become a better writer. All with the hopes of someday achieving success: being happy in a creative and dynamic career.
For those of you unfamiliar with GCM, well, I'll just say that for most of the great people that inhabit the island, Grand Cayman is a place focused on the pursuit of pleasure, not personal growth.
In this year I have been away I have changed drastically whereas the island has not. Sure a few of the restaurants are called by a new name, and there are some new face who have run away from home to la-la-land and pursue the beach life. But all in all, it's the same.
I am able to see it clearly now... this is not the place for me. I want more than this... Yes, the boat parties, sunset sails, island tours, beach walks and slushy cocktails with friends are great, but it is not the life for me.
Time to set off and pursue pleasure for my last 48 hours on-island, before I return home, off to bigger things.
Bye Bye Cayman. I don't think I'll be back. For the great friends I have that remain on-island... let's live it up!
This little treat was created by my Cayman sister, Michelle. Cheers!
-2oz Stoli Vodka
-4 oz Limeade juice
-3 frozen strawberries
-mix all ingredients in a plastic cup with ice. Enjoy with great friends while watching the sun set over the Caribbean Sea.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Years ago I made a decision to no longer fall deeply or passionately in love with anyone, leaving myself open to my one and only ever true love: Travel. I'd figured this would keep me safe from heart break.
I love everything about traveling: people watching in the airport cafés; killing time browsing in book stores; the random conversations with characters whose name you never catch; the thump of the customs stamp permanently imprinting the country in my passport; waking up in a foreign land, with endless possibilities outside your door.
AhhH! *Swoon*
After a five-year courtshipsgalavanting around the world, exploring fifteen countries across four continents, our relationship had to be put on hold while I returned home to study. I thought he'd understand.
In the months leading up to my spring break Caribbean getaway, I would fantasize of our getting back together. I bought magazines and novels for the trip. I wondered what movies the in-flght entertainment system would have waiting for me. I was excited to use the self-serve kiosks, to go through security, to spark up a conversation with a stranger sitting next to me at the airport bar. I was looking forward to the trip just as much as I looked forward to the tropical destination.
Turns out I was wrong and that even Travel can break your heart.
I had a bad feeling right form the moment I got to the airport to catch my 6:30 flight to Toronto, just waiting for something to go wrong, but I got through check-in in a breeze, even avoiding charges for my surplus or over-weight bags. I wasn't randomly selected in security for a laptop-swab-test (something that I have never understood anyway) or a pat-down, all was going a bit-too-smoothy... I had one of those feelings that it was too good to be true, and to my chagin, I was right.
It took six hours from our initial departure time for the flight to eventually be canceled due to the snowy weather conditions. Two hours spent on the plane waiting on the tarmak, the rest waiting in a desolate airport lobby with not a single store open.
I would miss my connection to my tropical paradise, and airline staff informed me there were no available seats for five days. I felt my heart break into tiny little pieces upon realizing that the trip I had been working and saving for the last 5 months may not get to happen. My heart sunk, and I blamed myself for allowing myself to love something so deeply in the first place. All because of a blizzard.
Have a ever mentioned how much I hate winter??
I have learnt that in this life who you know matters just as much as what you know, and well, a boy I know with super-elite aeroplan status made a call for me, and got me my own little airline assistant working through the night to find me a flight to my island paradise. I may be getting there a day late and a buck short, but, my I will get to my island in the sun. And as far as my #1 love, I'm going to give him a second shot.
Have a great reading week to my fellow CreCommers!!! Want to live through my Caribbean adventures, mix one of these bad boys up! The obstacles I've faced are going to make taste so much better when I finally get there!!
Cayman Lemonade
1 oz Triple Sec
1 oz peach schnapps
Cranberry juice
Club soda
Mix the vodka, triple sec and peach schnapps in a shaker and pour over ice. Add a squeeze of lime and a splash each of cranberry juice and soda. Stir and enjoy. Yah Mon!